
Wednesday, August 26, 2009


I have really been meditating on John 17 for awhile. Though I read other chapters and books I keep getting drawn back to John 17. It is about Jesus' prayer to Father before He went to the Cross. It is all about His love for Father and the Fathers love for Him. And Jesus includes us into this so personal prayer. In the 15th verse He asks" I am not asking you to take them from the world but to protect them from the evil one".....Wow!
Now I am pretty sure`that All of Jesus' prayers were answered. The implication of those words encompasses so much.
Protection from the evil one means: from disease of the body, heart & soul!
Divine protection was prayed over you before the Lord even went to the Cross. How much more is that promise now that it has also been covered in His blood?

His Word tells us

We may live in this world but we are not to let the things of this world effect us.
We are new creatures in Christ Jesus
We have the Mind of Christ
We are dead to sin

Ask the Lord to reveal to you how much He loves you. His love for you is endless!

1 comment:

Nancy said...

It's always good to meet a sister in the Lord.....Your words are encouraging and uplifting...I will be back for more visits...

Hugs and blessings